Category Archives: Sessions

Meet the WordCamp Omaha Speakers: Kevin Moser


Kevin Moser is the webmaster for Peru State College in Nebraska. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in psychology, but learned web development from the school of hard knocks. He is so passionate about WordPress that he built Peru State’s new website on it. Work tends to dominate his life, but when he has free time he enjoys photography, bicycling, and writing.

Hometown: Elgin, Neb.

Contact: | @VinMoser

SessionHappy Clients, Outstanding Outcomes

As web designers and developers, we often focus on the technical aspects of our jobs. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with an important part of a project – communication with our clients. It is an often overlooked piece of the puzzle, but it is directly correlated with outcomes and how the client feels we did our job. In this talk, we will look at communicating with clients and managing expectations in three broad phases of a project – pitching/planning, development, and launching/troubleshooting. Specifically, we will look at steps that will make the client feel involved and important. This level of involvement and communication will help keep clients happy through the entire process, giving us an outstanding outcome.

WordCamp Omaha 2015 is happening Oct. 10-11 at Metropolitan Community College’s Fort Omaha Campus. Get tickets today!