Speaker Spotlight: Sergio Esquivel

Talk title: Rewrite API: Setting Custom Permalink Structures for Custom Post Types

Sergio will be telling us all about the WordPress Rewrite API, (a topic we often don’t hear of). Specifically, he’ll show how to set a custom permalink structure for a custom post types. This will cover wp_query, query vars, permalinks, pre_get_posts hook, rewrite rules and tags.

Sergio has been a WordPress developer a little over 4 years. He currently works as a full-stack web developer at Firespring in Lincoln, NE.

Session Spotlight: Robots Make the Best Marketers

People think that Marketing is synonymous with VooDoo. It’s not. Marketing is a series of well-made, precise, decisions executed in a systematic and structured way. WordPress allows for some great marketing automation tools and process that can help you grow your business WITHOUT losing your brand voice or human touch.

Robots Make The Best Marketers by Larissa Uredi  


Stickers for WordCamp Omaha 2019 have arrived! Big thanks to our latest sponsor, StickerGiant for making this happen. These stickers look amazing and we can’t wait to hand them out!

StickerGiant has been around since 2000 making custom stickers with a great price tag, free shipping and super quick production. Once your proof has been verified, the order goes into production and is shipped the next business day.

Speaker Spotlight: Stacy Carlson

Talk Title: Affiliate Marketing 101

Have you been thinking about launching an affiliate program for your brand but have no idea where to start? This is the talk for you! Stacy will walk you through what to look for in an affiliate platform, how to recruit new affiliates as well as understanding how best to nurture and build the loyalty of your affiliates.

Image result for stacy carlson lincoln

Stacy L. Carlson is a serial entrepreneur and self-proclaimed systems and process nerd from Lincoln, Nebraska. She is the Partnership Manager for Smile, a software company that creates TextExpander and PDFpen. She is a 2014 Alumni of the nMotion Accelerator and she was a co-facilitator of nMotion’s pre-incubator program, Prelaunch, which helps entrepreneurs validate their early business ideas through customer development and validated learning.