Session Spotlight: Working Without Urgency

We go meeting to meeting, let our inboxes fill-up, and impulsively check Slack for the next emergency. What would work be like if we were able to choose what to work on instead of reaction dictating our work? In this breakout, learn tips to leave Slack channels, ignore email, and thin your information intake. Do it enough and you might just find yourself asking: what should I do now?

Working Without Urgency by Jack Sellwood  


I’m a technologist, designer, and streamliner. I founded WEDGE, a minimalist agency, and find joy in tidying up technology. I try to live a life that focuses on people, experiences, and mystery. Dinners with friends, long walks through Omaha, and yoga help me find purpose. Streamlining my life helps me stay focused on those priorities. A minimal wardrobe, few possessions, and unstructured time help me feel grounded. Today, I work at Flywheel as Product Manager for Local, The #1 local WordPress development tool. Having built over 30 WordPress sites, I’m passionate about making team collaboration and developer tooling a more delightful experience.